A young Viking named Hakon is haunted by visions of Ragnarok—the apocalyptic end of the world. Drawn to ancient powers h
e doesn't fully understand, Hakon embarks on a journey of brutal battles, deadly secrets, and encounters with gods who see him as both pawn and threat. As he unravels the mystery of his own lineage, he discovers he may hold the key to altering the fate of Midgard and even the gods themselves.
In a land where gods walk and legends are born, Hakon must choose: become a weapon of vengeance, or a hero who breaks the cycle of bloodshed. The realms’ survival hangs in the balance.折りたたむ>>続きをよむ最終更新:2024-11-16 10:47:32
った二人の美少女、銀河最強のガーディアンを持つ銀河財閥の令嬢リンダと、がさつで超風呂嫌いの女海賊カレンと共に、「瓶の海賊」として全銀河指名手配されてしまう……。まあ、ぶっちゃけドタバタスペオペで、簡単に言うと主人公のミロが元気な女の子に振り回されるお話です。折りたたむ>>続きをよむ最終更新:2006-11-10 04:44:55