First fantasy novel.
I decided to write something to improve my English writing skill. As I wrote it in my third langu
age, please forgive my stupid errors. Just want to write something interesting wwwww.
The story does not contain any violent description, but it might contain light horror in later chapters. I think it should be categorized as a dystopia novel.
Different characters have different perspectives, so it might be a little bit hard to read, but as the writing goes on, I will try to make it clearer and clearer.
A fantasy world that consists of nine spaces. The spaces are fixed, and no one can break the rules (some characters did, but the consequences are terrible). Some of them awake from personal consciousness, some of them have a sense of rebellion, and some of them struggle in purgatory……折りたたむ>>続きをよむ最終更新:2022-06-28 19:44:23